The small stuff.
My paintings are an attempt to imagine unseen and unknowable phenomena. Physicists admit that there is still much that is unknown about the quantum universe – this gives me space as an artist to explore, imagine and create.
A selection from recent projects.
Imagine the studio as a laboratory where experiments take place. Each brushstroke a particle, each layer a wave. Intra-actions are encouraged within the paintings, between the paintings, and with the viewer.
View projectSingularity
A series of paintings inspired by the double slit experiment. The behaviour of a photon: the unseeable and ineffable moment when the wave / particle encounters a surface; its journey completed; its destination observed and measured.
View projectSplitter
These paintings re-consider what might take place within momentary instances of seeing; they are an exploration of the ways in which sight, memory and perception interact.
View projectIllumine
The paintings in this series are an attempt to capture the effect of light. Not only how it appears, but how it behaves.
View project