
The paintings in this series are an attempt to capture the effect of light. Not only how it appears, but how it behaves.

These paintings are a response to the fleeting and transitory effect of light and how it acts upon particular locations that hold a resonance for me. I am interested in the behaviour of light; it becomes the subject of the works as much as the location. They are not a literal record of a place; information gathered on site is brought back to the studio and retrieved through memory.

The making of these paintings felt like a conversation with paint; on the one hand trying to control the medium and impose my will, and yet mindful that the paint should have its say. My aim was for the painting to feel as if it might have made itself.

Extracts from an essay by Joseph Clarke

‘Despite an apparent simplicity, paradoxically these works reintroduce a considerable degree of visual complexity. Strong vertical strokes have been used as a kind of intuitive geometry to divide the picture plane, creating a sense of pace and rhythm. In some, irregular discs of translucent pale glazes catch the eye and keep it on the move, whilst in others the illusory ripples create movement but also serve to compress the space. These paintings encourage immersive scrutiny- to be within the painting.’