
I tried to imagine a photon of light as if it were tangible, a ‘lump’ of light that you could hold in the palm of your hand and observe its properties.

The paintings in this series explore light at a fundamental level – light as a photon, light as a wave. Physicists have known for more than two hundred years that a photon of light is capable of behaving as a particle or a wave (seemingly simultaneously) and this behaviour will change depending on whether or not it is being observed. How they do this is still a mystery.

The paintings in this series explore light at a fundamental level – light as a photon, light as a wave. Physicists have known for more than two hundred years that a photon of light is capable of behaving as a particle or a wave (seemingly simultaneously) and this behaviour will change depending on whether or not it is being observed. How they do this is still a mystery.

Physicists admit that there is much that they do not understand about the quantum universe – their uncertainty gives me space as an artist to explore alternative possibilities. My paintings are thought experiments, that rely on interpretation and imagination and the variables that the materiality of paint introduces into the mix.

There are over 500 paintings in this series made over a period of almost four years. A process of iteration. Every day the same question. Every day a different solution.